
내 사진
Солонгос эмнэлэгт эмчлүүлэхэд тань бид туслая. Манайх зүрх судас, дотор, хортой хоргүй хавдар гэх мэт бүхий л төрлийн эмчилгээг Солонгост хийлгэхэд тань туслана.

2013년 8월 28일 수요일

Colon Cancer-treatment cost

Colon Cancer


- Medical cost : approximately KRW 20,000,000~ KRW35,000,000


- Symptoms

In case of early colon cancer, symptom does not appear. If the cancer has progressed, various symptoms showed. Such as diarrhea, constipation, change in bowel habits. Also unlike the usually, mass could be touched on the stomach.


- Diagnosis

Through the colonoscopy, cancer cells should be founded. Tests to help diagnose colon cancer are rectal examination, stool test, CT or MRI, blood tests.


- Treatment

Treatment method decision is made according to the staging. And on the basis of surgical operation, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are combined.


Korea Medical Tourism Center
For medical inquiry, please contact us :
[T]+82-70-8887-4800 (Mongolian)

- E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr
- Yahoo Messenger:
- Skype: krmedical911
- Mongolian Homepage:
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**Important notice

All above guide such as Surgical method, the cost of surgery, etc. can be changed by patient's condition, doctor’s findings etc.

All the information is general information and not a substitute for the doctor’s direct consultations.



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