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Солонгос эмнэлэгт эмчлүүлэхэд тань бид туслая. Манайх зүрх судас, дотор, хортой хоргүй хавдар гэх мэт бүхий л төрлийн эмчилгээг Солонгост хийлгэхэд тань туслана.

2013년 10월 7일 월요일


Hepatitis (liver inflammation)

Hepatitis is characterised by the number of the damaged liver cells and the presence of inflammatory cells in the liver tissue. Hepatitis can be caused by viruses that primarily attack the liver cells, such as hepatitis A and B. Patients with glandular fever, caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, can also suffer from an attack of hepatitis. Hepatitis can be divided into two subgroups, acute and chronic hepatitis, according to its duration. 

The cause of acute hepatitis
1.         Infectious viral hepatitis.
2.         Other viral diseases.
3.         Severe bacterial infections.
4.         Amoebic infections.
5.         Medicines.
6.         Toxins.

The cause chronic hepatitis
1.         Infectious hepatitis.
2.         Drug reactions.
3.         Toxins.
4.         Autoimmune hepatitis.
5.         Inborn metabolic disorders.

People could get hepatitis if they contract one of the viruses that can cause liver inflammation. And also, drinking a lot of alcohol, taking certain medicine and exposure of toxins could result hepatitis.

There are two ways in which medicines can lead to hepatitis. Drug poisoning via overdoses of medicines such as paracetamol, and even sometimes it can occur due to abnormal reaction of the liver even in normal dose.
The symptoms of hepatitis

The symptoms of acute hepatitis are different from every case. In most cases patients have no symptoms at all, and children may have mild symptoms.You may feel tiredness, general malaise, slight fever, nausea, poor appetite, changes in the taste perception. Enlarged liver could cause pain below the right ribs. 

Many chronic hepatitis patients have no symptoms. However, tiredness, an increased need for sleep, aching muscles and joints, enlarged liver, and jaundice are the signs of the chronic hepatitis.Patients with jaundice, having hereditary risk in family, and other symptoms of high risk groups of hepatitis are in the more danger than the other people. The most common ways to prevent hepatitis are by avoiding exposure to infectious hepatic viruses, being vaccinated, and avoiding drinking large amount of alcohol. 

Mostly, blood serum tests are taken to determine the cause and severity of the hepatitis and ultrasound and other imaging tests of liver could obtain more detail information. Sometimes, liver biopsy may be recommended for further investigation.Acute infectious viral hepatitis usually improves with no specific treatment. Acute infection is rarely life threatening. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C can become chronic. Hepatitis A never does. Acute hepatitis caused by medicines or alcohol usually improves once the liver is no longer exposed to these substances.

Korea Medical Tourism Center
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