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Солонгос эмнэлэгт эмчлүүлэхэд тань бид туслая. Манайх зүрх судас, дотор, хортой хоргүй хавдар гэх мэт бүхий л төрлийн эмчилгээг Солонгост хийлгэхэд тань туслана.

2013년 2월 21일 목요일

PET-MRI (Precise diagnosis of cancer)

PET-MRI. Precise diagnosis of cancer.

Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) which is our affiliated hospital is operating PET-MRI at their cancer center.

1. What is the PET-MRI?

PET-MRI is a hybrid imaging technology that incorporates MRI soft tissue morphological imaging and PET functional imaging.

2. The advantages of the PET-MRI
The PET-CT(computed tomography) scan is currently the most popular hybrid molecular imaging technology in use; however, CT images, which u...se x-ray technology, are not as sensitive as MRI in soft tissue contrast. MRI demonstrates improved imaging for areas such as the brain, head and neck, and pelvis.

3. Applied fields
Main clinical fields of PET-MRI are oncology, cardiology, neurology.
Especially PET-MRI is used in the diagnosis of cancer.
The research studies are actively conducted at the moment to understand benefits of the new PET-MRI diagnostic method.

We are specialized company in Cancer and Cardiac disease.
If you have any questions please let us know,
- Mongolian website: www.solongos103.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/krmedical
- E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / mongol@sj-u.co.kr
- Yahoo messenger: krmedical911@yahoo.com

- Skype: krmedical911
- Phone: +82-70-8887-4800 (English & Mongolian)
- Blog: http://krmedical.blogspot.com

- Homepage: www.sj-u.com

Хорт хавдар,зүрх судас дагнасан эмчилгээ, аялал жуулчлалын байгууллага

Korea Medical Tourism Center

korea hospital, korea medical company, solongos emneleg

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