
내 사진
Солонгос эмнэлэгт эмчлүүлэхэд тань бид туслая. Манайх зүрх судас, дотор, хортой хоргүй хавдар гэх мэт бүхий л төрлийн эмчилгээг Солонгост хийлгэхэд тань туслана.

2013년 5월 23일 목요일


        MONGOLIAN   ~   KOREAN   ~   ENGLISH
    • Тогтсон үрчлээг арилгах ~ 필러 ~ filler
    • Үйлчилгээний тариа ~ 필러 ~ filler
    • Наалдац төрөгч /коллаген/ ~ 콜라겐 ~ collagen
    • Шилний хүчил ~ 히알루론산 ~ hyaluronic acid
    • Хөгшрөлтийн эсрэг ~ 안티에이징 ~ antiaging 
    • Цусны ялтас ~ 혈소판 ~ platelet, thrombocyte
    • Цусны сийвэн, тунгалагийн шингэн ~ 혈장 ~ plasma
    • Нүдний давхраа ~ 쌍꺼풀 ~ double eyelid
    • Зовхи ~ 눈꺼풀 ~ eyelid
    • Монгол үрчлээ ~ 몽고주름 ~ Mongolian fold
    • Сорви ~ 흉터 ~ scar 
    • Хар тагирга, хар хүрээ ~ 다크서클 ~ dark circle
    • Үрчлээний эсрэг тариа ~ 보톡스 ~ botox
    • Дух ~ 이마 ~ forehead
    • Хацарын яс ~ 광대뼈 ~ cheekbone
    • Хацарын хонхорхой ~ 보조개 ~ dimble
    • Бүргэд хэлбэрийн хамар ~ 매부리코 ~ hooked nose, aquiline nose
    • Шилбэ ~ 종아리 ~ calf
    • Даралт ихдэх ~ 고혈압 ~ hypertension
    • Чихрийн шижин ~ 당뇨병 ~ diabetes
    • Гуурсан хоолойн багтраа ~ 천식 ~ asthma

      - Phone: +82-70-8887-4800 (English & Mongolian)- Skype: krmedical911
      - Yahoo messenger: krmedical911@yahoo.com
      - E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / mongol@sj-u.co.kr
      - Homepage: www.sj-u.com

      - Mongolian website: www.solongos103.com
      - Facebook: www.facebook.com/krmedical
      - Blog: http://krmedical.blogspot.com

      Korea Medical Tourism Center

      Medical Information from Korea medical tourism center
      For medical consultation and reservation in Korea,
      contact us to: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / +82-70-7785-2400

      <Thyroid Cancer>
      사진: Medical Information from Korea medical tourism center
For medical consultation and reservation in Korea,
contact us to: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / +82-70-7785-2400

<Thyroid Cancer>

Thyroid cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the thyroid gland. Mostly the first symptom of thyroid cancer is a nodule in the thyroid region of the neck. However, many adults have small nodules in their thyroids, but typically under 5% of these nodules are found to be malignant. 

Other symptoms include:
- A pain in the neck
- Difficulty Swallowing
- Hoarseness
- Difficulty breathing
- A persistent cough

During the physical exam, the size and firmness of the thyroid would be evaluated and any thyroid lumps or enlarged lymph nodes would be checked.

Main method used to treat thyroid cancer is surgery. Thyroid hormone therapy, radioactive iodine treatment and chemotherapy may be included as well.

It is recommended that people should have thyroid examination during their annual routine physicals, by The American Cancer Society.
      Thyroid cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the thyroid gland. Mostly the first symptom of thyroid cancer is a nodule in the thyroid region of the neck. However, many adults have small nodules in their thyroids, but typically under 5% of these nodules are found to be malignant.

      Other symptoms include:
      - A pain in the neck
      - Difficulty Swallowing
      - Hoarseness
      - Difficulty breathing
      - A persistent cough

      During the physical exam, the size and firmness of the thyroid would be evaluated and any thyroid lumps or enlarged lymph nodes would be checked.

      Main method used to treat thyroid cancer is surgery. Thyroid hormone therapy, radioactive iodine treatment and chemotherapy may be included as well.

      It is recommended that people should have thyroid examination during their annual routine physicals, by The American Cancer Society.
      - Phone: +82-70-8887-4800 (English & Mongolian)
      - Skype: krmedical911
      - Yahoo messenger: krmedical911@yahoo.com
      - E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / mongol@sj-u.co.kr
      - Homepage: www.sj-u.com
      - Mongolian website: www.solongos103.com
      - English website: http://krmedical.wix.com/english
      - Facebook: www.facebook.com/krmedical
      - Blog: http://krmedical.blogspot.com

      2013년 5월 9일 목요일

      <Lung Cancer>

      Lung cancer occurs when abnormal, cancerous cells growth in the lung. When these cancerous cells abnormally spread out, distant organs would be affected as well.

      Lung cancers are classified into two basic groups; non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer, based on the microscopic appearance of the tumor cells.

      Following are common symptoms of lung cancer.
      - Cough, Coughing up blood, Chest pain, Hoarseness, Weight loss, Shortness of breath

      The method of treatment depends on the type of cancer and the stage. According to stage of cancer, Radiation therapy and Chemotherapy would be combined with surgery.

      - Phone: +82-70-8887-4800 (English & Mongolian)- Skype: krmedical911
      - Yahoo messenger: krmedical911@yahoo.com
      - E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / mongol@sj-u.co.kr
      - Homepage: www.sj-u.com

      - Mongolian website: www.solongos103.com
      - Facebook: www.facebook.com/krmedical
      - Blog: http://krmedical.blogspot.com

      Korea Medical Tourism Center

      2013년 5월 7일 화요일

      ★ Spring Health Tips!

       1. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables
      Take full advantage of the variety of vegetables during spring. Some of spring vegetables are broccoli, green beans, zucchini, cabbage, carrots a...nd tomatoes. Fruits are also a good source of vitamins and fiber.

      2. Get a Check-up
      It is time to have a basic health check-up! It will let you know any potential disease. A periodic medical examination gives overall view of the best ways to take care of you for a lifetime.

      3. Care your skin
      Protect your skin from the sun in Spring. Regular moisturizing skin and protecting from the harsh rays of the sun is essential. Use a sunscreen, sunglasses and hat for your skin protection.

      - Phone: +82-70-8887-4800 (English & Mongolian)- Skype: krmedical911
      - Yahoo messenger: krmedical911@yahoo.com
      - E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / mongol@sj-u.co.kr
      - Homepage: www.sj-u.com
      - Mongolian website: www.solongos103.com
      - Facebook: www.facebook.com/krmedical
      - Blog: http://krmedical.blogspot.com

      Korea Medical Tourism Center
      <Heart Valve Replacement>

      Korea has World-class survival rate of cardiovascular disease.
      Contact us for inquiry of medical reservation on Heart Valve Replacement in Korea.
      E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr , +82-70-7785-2400

      ... Heart Valve Replacement is needed when a natural heart valve which is not working properly needs to be replaced surgically with a prosthetic valve.

      Prosthetic heart valves are classified into synthetic mechanical valves and biological valves made of human or animal tissue.

      Generally, patients might need a valve replacement for following diagnosis:
      1) Having a significant valve narrowing or leaking, which cause severe cardiac symptoms
      2) Having a valve stenosis or regurgitation which seriously affects heart function
      3) When heart valve has been severely damaged by endocarditis
      4) When prosthetic heart valve needs to be replaced because it is malfunctioning
      - Phone: +82-70-8887-4800 (English & Mongolian)- Skype: krmedical911
      - Yahoo messenger: krmedical911@yahoo.com
      - E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / mongol@sj-u.co.kr
      - Homepage: www.sj-u.com
      - Mongolian website: www.solongos103.com
      - Facebook: www.facebook.com/krmedical
      - Blog: http://krmedical.blogspot.com

      Korea Medical Tourism Center

      2013년 5월 6일 월요일

      <News of our partner hospital – Konkuk University Medical Center>

      Contact us for any inquiries on having medical treatment at Konkuk University Medical Center.
      E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr , +82-70-7785-2400

       1. Professor Ho Yeon Kim, who has... great authority on Rheumatology, is newly recruited at Konkuk University Medical Center(KUMC).
      - KUMC is expecting to develop professional research on Rheumatology with specialized professors and staffs.

      2. Professor Seok Won Jung at KUMC awarded ‘Neer Award’ at AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons)
      - Neer Award is the highest academic award at World Orthopaedic Association.
      - Professor Jung’s research paper was ‘Effect of the Adipose-Derived stem cell for the improvement of Fatty Degeneration and Rotator Cuff Healing in Rabbit Model’.

      - Phone: +82-70-8887-4800 (English & Mongolian)- Skype: krmedical911
      - Yahoo messenger: krmedical911@yahoo.com
      - E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / mongol@sj-u.co.kr
      - Homepage: www.sj-u.com
      - Mongolian website: www.solongos103.com
      - Facebook: www.facebook.com/krmedical
      - Blog: http://krmedical.blogspot.com

      Korea Medical Tourism Center
      <News of our partner hospital- Samsung Medical Center>

      We would like to introduce news of our partner hospital, Samsung Medical Center.
      Contact us if you have any inquiries on having medical treatment at Samsung Medical Center.
      Email: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr , +82-70-7785-2400

       1. Samsung Medical Center (SMC) officially introduced their new ‘Cancer Hospital’.
      SMC announced that they will re-establish previous cancer center as new Cancer Hospital.
      1) Innovating medical process – Patient-centered with fast track (Diagnosis ~ Full recovery)
      2) Personalized treatment based on gene
      3) Minimally invasive surgery
      4) The next generation Proton therapy
      5) Establishment of Integrated healing center

      2. First establishment of Department of Intensive Care Unit in Korea
      Samsung Medical Center recruited World-level global scholar, Professor Augustine Choi (Harvard Medical School, Respiratory Medicine).
      SMC is expecting to introduce ‘Harvard intensive care treatment system’.

      3. Samsung Medical Center is selected as ‘Research-oriented hospital’ by Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare’.

      - Phone: +82-70-8887-4800 (English & Mongolian)- Skype: krmedical911
      - Yahoo messenger: krmedical911@yahoo.com
      - E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / mongol@sj-u.co.kr
      - Homepage: www.sj-u.com
      - Mongolian website: www.solongos103.com
      - Facebook: www.facebook.com/krmedical
      - Blog: http://krmedical.blogspot.com

      Korea Medical Tourism Center

      2013년 5월 2일 목요일

      <Information on Stroke>

       Contact us if you are struggling because of stroke.
      We can support you to have a medical treatment in Korea.
      E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr

      ... A stroke is a brain injury due to interruption of brain’s blood supply. Hemorrhagic stroke, Thrombotic stroke, Embolic stroke are three categories of strokes.

      Symptoms of stroke vary depending on which area of the brain is damaged. Symptoms of stroke include headache, dizziness or confusion, weakness or paralysis on one side of the body, visual disturbance, difficulty walking, seizures, irregular breathing and inability to speak properly.

      Early treatment is strongly recommended.
      Patients are selected for surgery based on age, gender, degree of stenosis, time since symptoms and patients’ preferences.
      The hemorrhaged blood may have to be removed through surgery. If a blood vessel abnormality is identified, it may require treatment with surgery in order to prevent another stroke.
      - Phone: +82-70-8887-4800 (English & Mongolian)- Skype: krmedical911
      - Yahoo messenger: krmedical911@yahoo.com
      - E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / mongol@sj-u.co.kr
      - Homepage: www.sj-u.com
      - Mongolian website: www.solongos103.com
      - Facebook: www.facebook.com/krmedical
      - Blog: http://krmedical.blogspot.com
      Korea Medical Tourism Center