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Солонгос эмнэлэгт эмчлүүлэхэд тань бид туслая. Манайх зүрх судас, дотор, хортой хоргүй хавдар гэх мэт бүхий л төрлийн эмчилгээг Солонгост хийлгэхэд тань туслана.

2013년 3월 18일 월요일

"Mouse Avatars" 

The new way of cancer treatment.

Mouse 'avatars' could in future allow physicians to find the most effective cocktail of cancer drugs to combat a particular tumour before giving them to a patient.

Personalized mouse models containing tissue from a specific patient's tumour could be used to test whether a cancer drug will work on that tumour.

An 'avatar' is a term informally used by cancer researchers to describe a mouse or other animal onto which tissue from a human tumour is grafted to create a personalized model of one patient's cancer.

We are specialized company in Cancer and Cardiac disease.
If you have any questions please let us know,
- Mongolian website: www.solongos103.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/krmedical
- E-mail: sjubiq@sj-u.co.kr / mongol@sj-u.co.kr
- Yahoo messenger: krmedical911@yahoo.com

- Skype: krmedical911
- Phone: +82-70-8887-4800 (English & Mongolian)
- Blog: http://krmedical.blogspot.com

- Homepage: www.sj-u.com

Хорт хавдар,зүрх судас дагнасан эмчилгээ, аялал жуулчлалын байгууллага

Korea Medical Tourism Center

korea hospital, korea medical company, solongos emneleg

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